Attractions Wrocław 2025 will also feature shows and accompanying events. Find out what else you can take advantage of.

Antresola Cafe

Get inspired!

The Antresola Café is a new element on We would like our café to become a place for your personal meetings with inspiring people. We invite you to meet and talk with our special guests. Sit down, grab a coffee and join the conversation:

11.00: Meeting with Mikołaj Kwiatkowski, BDM Blees, hosted byMonika Brokking

12.00: Meeting with Artur Garbiak and Mateusz Pluta from company Evert hosted by Tomek Utkowski

13.00: Meeting with Lech Winiowski, BDM from BMZ, hosted by Ewa Załupska

The host of the Antresola Café is Ewa Załupska

The Latest Power Semiconductors in Action

Use the latest solutions

It is hard to imagine a meeting for electronics engineers, focused on a New Energy, without a solid portion of knowledge about semiconductors based on silicon carbide and gallium nitride.

Lecture by onsemi at 10:15: Using SiC power: advanced UPS and ESS projects

Wurth Elektronik Zone

Vivid and vibrant

From the very beginning of in Wrocław, our partner is Wurth Elektronik having its sponsor zone. This is another portion of solid, specific knowledge, but the Wurth team always makes sure that you spend a pleasant day as well.

Forum Elektroniki Polskiej

Joint us already on Wednesday

Hosted by Jacek Małecki

- In addition to a brief overview of the global and local economic situation with an emphasis on the electronics industry, which is a permanent point of the Polish Electronics Forum, I will focus on the semiconductor industry in Poland. I will try to show its current state, potential and development opportunities in the near future. Invited guests who are outstanding experts in this field will help me with this. I will also share my impressions from my recent stay in China - announces our reliable lecturer, who has also been with us since 2022.


16.00-16.30 Welcome of participants with cold and hot beverages

16.30-17.00 Summary 2024 and forecasts for 2025 – general economic situation in Poland and worldwide and results of the electronics industry

17.00-17.15 Review of the semiconductor industry in Poland

17.15-17.30 Impressions from the stay in China and at the Electronica trade fair in Munich

17.30-17.45 Break

17.45-18.15 Special guest - Prof. Romuald Beck – CEZAMAT CEZAMAT as an example of Polish infrastructure for design and small-scale production of semiconductor components

18.15-18.30 Q & A

Want to join? Here you can find registration link

Meeting with company Evert

Antresola Cafe, 12:00 Renewable energy management in practice

At 12:00 in the Antresola Café, Tomek Utkowski will meet with Artur Garbiak (Chief Technology Officer) and Mateusz Pluta (Senior Hardware Engineer) from the Norwegian company Evert.

The company is working on a device that manages the flow of electricity between a home, an electric vehicle, renewable energy and batteries – you will learn what was a challenge in the process of creating the company's advanced system. You may also know Mateusz from the popular blog

Meeting with company Blees

Antresola Café, 11:00 The way to a successful start-up.

Blees from Gliwice has designed an autonomous city bus with a range of 200 km. The vehicle is equipped with a high-power electric drive and systems ensuring the comfort and safety of passengers. Most importantly, the vehicle does not require a driver: it is equipped with 7 lidars, 11 cameras, 4 radars, 3 GNSS receivers and an IMU, covering the entire area around the vehicle and providing full orientation in the terrain and in the current situation on the road.

What positively distinguishes this company from others? It is not just a futuristic project, the bus is already driving in Gliwice and Katowice! You can talk about how to create a really operating start-up in the field of electromobility with Mikołaj Kwiatkowski, Business Development Manager. The meeting from 11.00 is led by Monika Brokking.

Spotkanie z firmą BMZ

Układy bateryjne pod wymogi klienta

BMZ is one of the first companies that many years ago believed in electromobility and the justification for investing in Poland. Now it is one of the largest companies producing battery systems in Poland and adapting them in a difficult and complicated process to the requirements of a given application.

So how do you develop and produce a battery system that is perfectly tailored to the customer's needs? You can talk about this and many other issues with Lech Winiowski, Business Development Manager at 1:00 p.m. and this meeting will be led by Ewa Załupska.